Peter Kempson, Cambridge Halfpenny Mule (D&H Cambridgeshire 16)

Peter Kempson, Cambridge Halfpenny Mule (D&H Cambridgeshire 16)
Peter Kempson, Cambridge Halfpenny Mule (D&H Cambridgeshire 16)

Peter Kempson, Cambridge Halfpenny Mule (D&H Cambridgeshire 16)

Obv:A beehive and bees. Around the perimeter INDUSTRY HAS ITS SURE REWARDS. 

Rev:A river god reclining on an urn, inscribed CLYDE. Around the perimeter NUNQUAM ARESCERE, MDCCXCI below. No initials under date.

Edge: Milled  (Conder p.218, 74; Atkins p. 7, 14; D&H Cambridgeshire 16)

From a later state of a lightly rusted reverse die, otherwise nearly uncirculated and scarce.

Peter Kempson, (1755-1824), buttonmaker, later token manufacturer, St. Mary's Row, Birmingham, later Little Charles Street. Kempson was actively involved in the production of tokens from 1791 until 1799, turning out more than 60 tons of "legitimate provincial coins" for various commissions. Kempson also freely muled dies in his posession, and produced a variety of tokens for sale to collectors.
