Richard Paley, Commercial Halfpenny, 1791 ( D&H Yorkshire 51)

Richard Paley, Commercial Halfpenny, 1791 ( D&H Yorkshire 51)

Richard Paley, Commercial Halfpenny, 1791 (D&H Yorkshire 51) Obv:A figure of Bishop Blaize and a lamb. Around the perimeter ARTIS NOSTRAE CONDITOR. The wool-comb from the first limb of R to the first limb of AE; the Bishop's finger points to the space between the R and AE. Rev:Shield of arms, crest an owl; the shiled separating the date 17 91. Around the perimeter LEEDS HALFPENNY. The line of the shield aligns with the center of the first E of LEEDS and the second limb of the second N of HALFPENNY. Edge: PAYABLE AT THE WAREHOUSE OF RICHARD PALEY  (Atkins p. 255, 46; D&H Yorkshire 51)

From a late state of the obverse die. Essentially as made and with nearly full original color.

Richard Paley, (1746-1808) maltster, soap-boiler, and chandler, St. Peters Church Yard, Leeds.

Noted as from the Lord St. Oswald Collection but no supporting documentation
