Symonds, Winterbotham, Ridgeway, & Holt, Bronzed Newgate Halfpenny, 1795 (D&H Middlesex 393)

Symonds, Winterbotham, Ridgeway, & Holt, Bronzed Newgate Halfpenny, 1795 (D&H Middlesex 393)

Symonds, Winterbotham, Ridgeway, & Holt, Newgate Halfpenny, 1795 (D&H Middlesex 393)  Obv A view of a prison. NEWGATE above. Ex: MDCCXCIV No period after date. Upright and cross bars in the gratings over the side doors. Rev An inscription on seven lines PAYABLE AT THE RESIDENCE OF MESSRS SYMONDS WINTERBOTHAM RIDGWAY & HOLT The T of THE is over the F of OF below. The tail of the & points up. Edge Milled  (Conder p.93, 189; Pye p.32, 5; Virt p.41; Atkins p. 103, 279; D&H Middlesex 393)

Choice bronzed uncirculated.

Symonds, Winterbotham, Ridgeway, & Holt, Henry Symonds and James Ridgeway, London booksellers; Daniel Holt, printer; and William Winterbotham, a Babtist Minister, were all confined to Newgate Prison for the promotion of seditious views.
